Sunday, November 3, 2013

Gimlet & Martini

Martini cocktail

There is a lot of origins about Martini
It’s one of storys “there is a book of [How to mix drinks], that book introduce martini.
This book was written by who has have nickname Professor, he from the U.S.A. his name is Jerry Tomas (1825-1885)”

Why boys are like Martini?

I think Martini’s tasty is Clean and little bit high alcohol that is why boy like to drink.

How to make

1.     Put some ice in your cocktail glass and make chilling.
2.     Half or 2/3 Ice & 1 and 2/3 oz Dry Gin & 2/3 oz Vermouth and input to your shaker and shake it
3.     Let’s get away the ice for chilling the cocktail glass and pour your martini.
4.     Finished with Garnish


Dry Gin is base of one of cocktail. First gimlet was mixed with lime juice and supply Gin by Mr. Gimlet Marin of E.U.

Gimlet tasty is Lime sour taste and acidity of the base tastes are stinging because

How to make

1.     3/4 Dry Gin & 1/4 lime juice & 1 t-spoon of sugar and input your shaker
2.     Shake it well
3.     Done

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