Monday, December 2, 2013


1. How much does medicine cost in England?
-About 6.65 pound

2.What are some differences between the healthcare systems in Europe and US?
-Europe's healthcare is free and give transportation expenses to their patient. But US 's healthcare is not free and don't give any money to their patient.

3. How do doctors get bonuses in England?
-If they care more patient or success more cure, they can get bonuses.

4.Why is the welfare system so different in France than in the US, according to the American lady at the end of this part?
-France goverment is afraid their people, but US isn't.

5. Why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house?
-Because they get sick, they can't operate their house. And they become bankrupt.

Question for Sicko

1, How much does medicine cost in England?
     →It costs only 10$

2, What are some differences between the healthcare systems in Europe and US
→Europe join in "nation insurance"

3, How do doctors get bonuses in England?
 →When their patient's health is getting good.

4, Why did the little girl Mychelle die?
   →Mychelle died because of 'high fever'.

5, How much does university cost in France?
    → France's university cost is all free.

6, What are some reasons why people get rejected by insurance companies?
    → They rejected because of "height and weight".

7,  How many people have no medical insurance in the USA?
     → There is 250million people.


1.Why is the older couple getting insurance before going to America, even though they`re only going for one day?
-> Because they did not trust the America`s medical system.
2. How do doctors get bonuses in England?
-> As the disease has improved, they get bonus.
3. Why did the little girl Mychelle die?
-> She went to the hospital because she had a fever. But rejected from the hospital because there was no money to cure a disease.
4. How many weeks of paid vacation a year do French people get?
-> Usually five weeks and Major Company is 8 to 15 weeks.
5. Why are many people worried about universal health care?
-> They think universal health care is ideology of Socialism.

Thank you.^^*


1. what is this movie about?
- about health care system

2. why is the 79-year old man working?
- because he don't have money.

3.what's the problem with medicine in America?
- stardard is very complex.

4. why does the girl who was in the accident have to pay for ambulance, even though she was insured?
- she could not register insurance.

5. what is one reason why many people are worried about universal health care?
- because doctor reject surgery.


1. What is the meaning of lobbying?
->In this movie, "lobbying" means that a person or company gives money to each congressman who have power to legislate a law about health care system.

2. What are some reasons why people get rejected by insurance companies?
->Because they are just too thin of too fat, even they have no problems to do activities.

3. What is different about the health care system in Canada and US?
->In Canada, people can be treated free of charge. Canada government pay for all canadian's medical expenses. Healthcare system in US is operated by insurance companies. But they make lots of restrictions for supporting people. So americans pay a lot of money for their health care.

4. Why did the little girl Mychelle die?
->She just had a high fever. But she was rejected a treatment because this hospital wasn't her insurance company's hospital.

5. How much does university cost in France?
-> University cost in France is almost FREE.

My opinion about this movie.
-> I'm really sad because of this bad system. I heard this system is really hard to return like Europe or Korea. I don't want to hear that people are suffering from this system more than now. President of Korea will change medical system like US soon. After I watched this video, I strongly oppose it. I think she has to consider the danger of this policy.

                                             -  Kate -


1. What is this movie about? In Ameriaca, There are many people without health insurance. but, this movie is not their stories. this movie was deal with people who join the medical insurance. 2. why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house? the older couple have to moving to their daughter's house because of bankruptcy they were join the medical insurance, but the company deduct little by little. so they became bankrupt. 3. Why is the 79-year old man working? he was very old to working. but his wife was sick. so he need a medicine. but medicine cost was too high. so he need a medical insurance benefit because who join the medical insurance, medicine cost was free. but only a working man can join the medical insurance. 4. How many people have no medical insurance in the USA? 50 million Americans have no medical insurance. 5. Why does the girl who was in the accident have to pay for ambulance, even though she was insured? because, when she was sign up the insurance bill, there was no article about using ambulance. 6.How does a medical director who works for an insurance company get bonuses? medical director can get bonuse when they reject the people who want to receive the premium 7. How much does medicine cost in England? 6.65 pound 8. What are some difference between the healthcare systems in Europe and US? England healthcare systems were very good. medicine cost was much lower than US and Englad government execute national health insurance. 9. When did England start their present-day healthcare system? England start their healthcare system since 1948.7.15 And the system was based on democracy 10. How do doctors get bonuses in Englad? when their patient's conditions was improved Or when patient stop smoking 11. How much does university cost in france? It's free~~~~~~~ 12. How many weeks of paid vacation a year do french people get? when they hurt, they can get at least 5weeks of vacation. 13. Why is the welfare system so different in france than in the US, according to the American lady at the end of this part? In American , the government is so self righteous. but Frence government was afraid of people. because of this Frence can had a good welfare and healthcare system.


● What is movie about?
- This movie is about US's unconscionable medical insurance.
● Why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house? 
- Because of heart attack and cancer. There are so many money needs to treat these       disease, because of not good insurance, too high drug price. So they are bankrupt.
● Why is the 79-year old man working?
- Because if he will quit the job, he can't afford the drug price.
How many people have no medical insurance in the USA?
- About 50,000,000 people were suffer from unconscionable medical insurance.
What are some reasons why people get rejected by insurance companies?
- Because all of the insurance companies purpose is only money, so they rejected not      healthy people. For example, overweight or underweight people were rejected by              insurance companies.

sicko report (Eric)

1.What is this moive about? This is documentary that micheal mour criticize US private insurance company regulations. The title SICKO is slang that means patient. This movie criticize side effect of medical privation initiated by US goverment and insurance company's brutality. 2.How does a medical director who works gor an insurance company get bonuses? The medical director deceives patients who must have been get surgery by doctors and so insurace company don't have to give patinets insurace money. At result, the company gives bonus the directer. 3.What is the problem with insurance companies whose main purpose is to maximize profit? The problem is that those companys don't consider patient's surrounding and they only pursue to their profits. So patients can't get their right to insurance money. 4.How do the Americans living in France feel about the French welfare and healthecare system? Amercians have aweful impression to French welfare and healthecare system. Because French gives a lot of free welfare benefit to insurance member and a lot of vacation to registors. 5.What is different about the health care system in Canada and US? In Canada nation people gives a lot of free benefit by goverment but in US nation people take a lot of money to insurance but they don't get anything free benefit. MY opinion: I think that private insurance companys have lot of corruption. And there must need to new innovation to private insurance companys regulaion. I really disappointed by US private insurance companys

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The sicko

Why dies the girl who was in the accident have to pay for ambulance, even thought she was insured?

- Because there was no preclearance

How does a medical director who works for an insurance company get bonuses?

- They get bonuses to reject policyholder's request

What is the problem with insurance companies whose main purpose is to "maximize profit"?

- Because They don't care policyholder's health, even they are dying.

How much does medicine cost in England ?

- There medicine are just 6.65£. That is standard cost

How do doctors get bonuses in England?

- They get bonuses when their patient's health is getting better gradually. ex) stop to 

smoking, down the blood pressure


  • Why is the 79-year old man working?
    Because they earn the drug costs.
  • What are some reasons why people get rejected by insurance companies?
    The reason is thier height and weight.
  • How much does medicine cost in England?
    16~60 years old people is $10, the others is free.
  • How much does university cost in France?
    University cost is free.
  • How many weeks of paid vacation a year do French people get?
    Usually they get 5 weeks, but major company is 8~10 weeks.


  • what is this movie about?
    • The USA medical insurance.
  • why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house?
    • they are bankrupt by their disease.
  • what is their kids' reaction?
    • be sensitive to
  • why is the 79-year old man working?
    • for earn their medicine fee
  • how many people have no medical insurance in the USA?
    • 50000000 peoples


1.What is this movie about?

 This movie showed the bad side of the America's insurance.

2.why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house?

they was very hard to keep their living because of the insurance.

3.Why is the 79-year old man working?

he had to work to get medicine.

4.why did the little girl Mychelle die?

because the insurance company disallowed medical care at other hospital.
so, she had to go to the insurance company's hospital. but it was too late to receive treatment.

5.How much does university cost in France?

University cost in France is free.

My opinion

this movie showed the bad side of the america. it is a pathetic story.
i think korea is similar with america. not europe.
i don't want the korea become america like this sad story.


1.what is this movie about?
this movie criticize  Medical insurance institution in USA.

2. How many people have no medical insurance in the USA
fifty million people have no medical insurance.

2. How much does university cost in France?
University cost is free.

3. How many weeks of paid vacation a year do french people get?
french people's paid vacation is at least 5 weeks

5. what did the congressman who loved his mother do, after passing the law to help drug companies?
he left congress to become the C.E.O of phrma.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


1.What is this movie about?
This movie show bad medical insurance in America to us.

2.Why is the older couple in the beginning moving to their daughter's house?
They were bankrupted by insurance

3.What did the congressman who loved his mother do, after passing the law to help drug companies?
He took the c.e.o position in medicine company.

4.Why is the 79-year old man working?
If he continued to work, medicine would be free.

5.What are some different between the healthcare systems in Europe and us?
Europe enforced government insurance. so European get a free medical service except special problem.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Movie Assignment - Sicko (2007)

For this assignment, choose one of the options below:

1.      Choose five questions from the list and answer them on the blog. Answer in full sentences, and add your opinions if you want.


2.      How do you feel about the issues shown in this movie? Some people say that private companies can take care of us better than governments; do you think that is true? Why or why not? What kind of things can private companies do better, and what can the government do better?

Write as much as you want. If you do (1) OR (2), and you watched the movie in class, you will automatically get 1 bonus point. (+1% of your final grade) 

If your writing is excellent, you will get 2 bonus points. (+2% of your final grade)

Answers for the review questions for Unit 6, on page 66.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Here are the answers to p. 56.
Do the exercises to prepare for the quiz on Monday.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Answers to p.46

We will have a quiz on Monday on Unit 4. You can do the Language Wrap-up exercises on p. 46 to prepare for the quiz.

Here are the answers.

Monday, November 4, 2013

soju - patt

Makgeolli's good restaurant

Makgeolli’s Good Restaurant 1. Bupyeong “Hohoalack(호호알락)” It’s located in near the Bupyeong Station. This store is famous for various kinds of Makgeolli. Recently, this store became known by ‘Facebook’ and it’s one of the good restaurants that many people have visited. They have sold representative Makgeollies of various regions. And They have sold Makgeolli set menu for customers can drink various type of Makgeolli. Makgeolli’s price usually 7000won from 13000won by 1L . Also they have small space, and they have sold diverse side dishes as much as have various type of Makgeolli. And their side dishes pirce also cheaper than other stores. When you want to drink many kinds of makgeolli, you can go “Hohoalack” ! 2. Inha university “Jojeongbangie(주정뱅이)” It’s located in near the Inha university’s back door. When I searched for Makgeolli’s good restaurant, many Incheon people recommended this store. This store especially famous for ‘strawberry Makgeolli’. This Makgeollis are put out for customer in jar shaped barrer. Also it’s price 8000won by 1.5L . Unlike ‘Hohoalack’ , their main menu is not Makgeolli. But they have many kinds of dishes and alcohol. So I think it’s good to go ‘Jojeongbangie’ when you want to drink sweet fruit Makgeolli. 3. Jeongwang “When father was young(아빠 어렸을 적에)” It’s located in near the Korea polytechnic university. Mainly, our school students go there when they want to eat Korean pancake and Makgeolli. So I thought this store also good restaurant in Jeongwang. This store’s feature is very big size of Korean pancake. And price also cheaper than other stores. So, students can eat cheaply. When you want to drink Makgeolli, but you don’t want to get out away You can go here!


Makgeolli raw rice wine Our team select the makgeolli. Because makgeolli is traditional Korean alcholic drink. Now, you will know everything about makgeolli. In Korean, Makgeolli means ‘roughly filtering liquor.’ Makgeolli is made of water, alchol, protein. Boiled rice and dried. Add water and yeast. Fermente. Squeeze and filter. First record of makgeolli is ‘The Chronicles of the Three.’ Makgeolli`s history is very long. Many kind of makgeolli is existed. We will tell you about kind of makgeollli, Makgeolli’s Good Restaurant, and globalized makgeolli.

Recommendation food – makgeolli

Recommendation food – makgeolli

side dishes is an indispensable part to "alcohol"
This page will introduce about the good dishes for makgeolli
The side dish of makgeolli, jeon is the most representative.
And also spicy food is good for side dishes too.
It's in good harmony with the unique taste of makgeolli.

when we think of makgeolli, we can also think jeon first.
we can enjoy the variety jeon such as kimchijeon and pajeon.
especially, many people want to this combination when a rainy day.

next, indispensable to all the alcohol dishes is meat.
boiled pork and bossam are good accompaniment to makgeolli
And the best food of Jeolla province's is thornback(홍어)
It is good good accompaniment to makgeolli too.
Put the thornback and pork on the kimchi and eat.
Sour taste of kimchi and poignant taste of thornback are harmonized and they stimulate appetite
And we can also enjoy spicy Stir-Fried Tofu and Kimchi, kimchi stew.

The origin of cocktail

The origin of cocktail

There were so many stories about the origin of cocktail.

Here is one of them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, there was prohibition law.

Many workers wanted to drink alcohol that made them drunk.

So they decided to avoid prohibition law.

They started mixing beverage.

So they were able to avoid regulation.

By doing so, many creative recipes were invented by many labors.

This is the most modernistic story about the origin of cocktail.

B-52 & Midori sour

B-52 & Midori sour

B-52 is name of bombing plane.
In my opinion, B-52 is very unique cocktail.
Because other cocktail's ingredients are mixed well.
But B-52's ingredients are perfectly seperated.
The recipe is layer the three liquor (kahlua, baileys, grand marnier)
in a shot glass, and finally ignite its surface, then complete.

Midori sour 

Midori sour's main material is melon liquor.
so its color, taste smell also are likely melon.
Melon liquor is invented by Japanese brewing company.
so Midori sour is represent Japanese cocktail.
Its recipe is melon liquor 3 oz
                  lemon juice 1 oz
                  sugar syrup 5 ml
                  soda water 1 oz

Local Soju

Local soju in KOREA

   Chamisul is the name of soju production that Hite Jinro produce and sell. Using original bamboo charcoal four times, and using 100% natural raw material. It removes hangover cause substance and reinforcing clear taste.
   This brand name is made by CROSSPOINT's president Son. After releasing Chamisul Fresh, using Chamisul mixed Cham Jin Isle. But since renewal, they combine brand name with Chamisul.
   They produce and sell Chamisul Fresh and Chamisul Original, in 2012/01 Chamisul Fresh is named Chamisul and Chamisul Original is named Chamisul Classic.
  Chamisul's degree of alcohol is 19%, and Chamisul Classic is 20.1%.

   CheoUmCheoRum is the name of soju prodution that LotteBG produce and sell. First they get fresh water and they using their own technology.(acid water, active hydrogen etc.)
   CheoUmCheoRum is made by CROSSPOINT'S president Son too. Its swallow feeling is so soft and taste is good.
   CheoUmCheoRum's degree of alcohol is 19% and CheoUmCheoRum COOL's which is new soju degree of alcohol is 16.8%.

   Hite soju is using handpicked soju raw materials and 100% ion water. And using three times filter system which removes impurities and impure taste that causing hangover.
   It is premium soju that using Traditional produce method and add some undiluted solution. And add aspartic acid which is good at remove hagover. It contains xylitol, so it remain refreshment, soft swallowing and deep scent.
   Hite soju's degree of alcohol is 19.5%.

   Siwon Chungpung soju is made by ChungbukSoju. It is made of World famous water which is calles Gwangcheon water.
   It is produced by illite method so its taste is very soft, good swallow feelings and good taste. So in this area resident, women and elder people like this soju.
   Siwon Chungpung soju's degree of alcohol is 19.5%.

   O2 Lyn is produced by blending, filter, raw material alcoholic, dilution etc. It has many O2, so it cause become sober 30 minutes early.
   Oxyzen dissolved method is main produce technology for this soju and it is the world's first tech that get patent in Korea, USA, China and Japan. With consumer, O2 Lyn is best local soju in this area.
   O2 Lyn's degree of alcohol is 19.2%.

  C1 soju is a short word for Clean No.1 soju. Decreasing acetaldehyde, so it is good at hangover and decreasing blood alcohol content.
   It also contain asparagine which is decreasing hangover, cholagogues and hepatic protectors.
  C1 soju's degree of alcohol is 19%.
   Yipsejoo has no sugar, no natrium and no MSG. It is made of Noryung range's basement 253M natural water.
   It is made through five times filtering process. It has no sickening smell and good at swallowing.
Yipsejoo's degree of alcohol is 19.5%.

  White soju contain natural, so it has soft swallowing and finding fresh morning. It has oxygen which is good at hangover and soft taste.
  White soju's degree of alcohol is 19.5%.


   Cham soju contains rice, barley, sweet potato and tapioca. Using MSC technology to remove bad smell and taste perfectly.
  And using ZPP technology to add soft taste and clear swallowing. It contains asparagine and xylitol which is good at hangover and first taste.
   Cham soju's degree of alcohol is 19.7%.

   Hallasan soju contains volcanic bedrock water under the sea which has plentiful vanadium. And add high purity alcoholic, oligosaccharide and asparagine.
  So first feeling is soft and aftertaste is clear.
  Hallasan soju's degree of alcohol is 21%.

BlackRussian is made with vodka and coffe liquere. It is popluar cocktail that bartender should memorize first.


this appeared first in 1949. At that time no one could disobey KGB. It means resistant to KGB. It's name originated using vodka that represents russia, and color of black.


vodka 20ml

coffe liquere 40ml.

1.     Mix vodka with coffe liquere in glass filled with ice. \

2.     Stir well.




Gin and Tonic is made with Gin and Tonic water. It is popular drink during warmer season. It’s taste depended upon the ratio of gin and tonic water, and quality of gin.


 it was introduced by army of British in India. In the 1700s people found quinine can prevent malaria. So they made tonic water with quinine and drunk it. Army of British in India suffered because of malaria, they made drink with gin and tonic water. this is origin of Gin and Tonic


according to taste.

Gin and tonicwater (1:1, 1:2, 1:3, 2:3)

1.     Pour gin and tonic water into the glass.

2.     Stir well.

3.     Garnish with the lime.

Peach crush & Mojito

Peach Crush
peach crush is one of the favorite cocktail of 20’s women. It is low proof cocktail, so woman who is a poor drinker likes peach crush. It tastes sweet and sugar. It is made of crush ice and tinged with pink. So person who likes pink color also likes this cocktail.
Recipe : peach tree 3/2 oz
        lime juice 1/2 oz
lemon juice 1/3 oz
sugar 1 tsp
cranberry juice fill

mojito is very famous cocktail and it is popular at 2008. Mojito harmonize with lemon and lime and it tastes fresh. So it is good to enjoy in summer. Mojito is first made in cuba and it means that it works a magic.
Recipe : white rum 3/2 oz
                powdered sugar 2ea
                fersh lime 1/2 ea
                spackling water fill
                mint 12 pieces

problem of Korean beer

Fiery food, Boring beer
“Korean beer is truly the worst beer in the world.”
“I think that the CASS s-HITE and OB all taste pretty much the same, bad.”
“Korean beer is the worst in Asia.”
“korean beer is animal’s pee” –in

Korean beer is too watery

Unlike hot and exciting Korean food like salted kimchi and live squids, Korean beer is too flat. Last year, <economist> write an article about Korean beer. They criticize Korean beer. After magazine was published, Many Korean agreed that article. People felt something wrong in Korean beer and they want to know what problem is.

Current countries that have developed beer release many kind of beer such as lager style or ale style. Because they have diverse company of scale and larger beer company release beer for a few maniac. That was good case that consumer can choose diverse beer and company can develop their recipe and technology in intense competition
They did not want to take lisk (poor diversity)



Korea beer market place divde in OB and hite

In comparison, Korea beer market place only divides in OB and Hite. They can’t satisfy consumer because of diverse taste. Two Korean beer companies said that many people in Korea prefer lager style that has cleaned taste and refreshment, and that is why they only made lager style. But beer expert’s opinion is different. Expert said that Lager style beer is easier to manufacture in quantity than ale style beer and ale style beer’s cost price is more expensive than lager style’. They only look near future. Because of imported beer, Koreans didn’t drink only Korean beer. Some of them may prefer ale style to lager style.        
‘Queen’s ale’ is ale style beer, not lager style
                                               Because of this problem, ‘Hite’ released ale style called ’queen’s ale’. This change is very good phenomenon. To extend consumer’s choice, Government has to lower the barrier to entry for small and medium firm and revision the liquor tax law..

The liquor tax law for larger company

They are great chef and have delicious ingredient. But they only cook French fries (taste)

 “Korean beer is no taste than North Korean beer” – Daniel Tudor (England journalist)

This article is criticizing Korean beer in <Economist>. After this article was known as many Korean, Many of them agree that article. Consumer feels difference of taste, but larger company said that their recipe and technology didn’t have problem.

                                                    Beer’s main ingredient is malt. Malt is very important to beer fermentation. Malt is more expensive than corn and rice. Some people said Korean beer company use little malt and more sub ingredients such as corn and rice. Beer companies said that they use 50%~60% malts. But we don’t know company recipe. So, we don’t know what correct is. And company didn’t get an answer about difference of taste between Korean beer and imported beer.
And company didn’t get an answer about difference of taste between Korean beer and imported beer. Expert said Korean beer’s taste by beer suds. Beer suds manage taste and carbonic in beer. Imported beer generates carbonic acid in process. So their beer suds keep a long time. But Korean beer is artificially injected by machine. So beer suds are quickly disappointed.