Monday, December 2, 2013

sicko report (Eric)

1.What is this moive about? This is documentary that micheal mour criticize US private insurance company regulations. The title SICKO is slang that means patient. This movie criticize side effect of medical privation initiated by US goverment and insurance company's brutality. 2.How does a medical director who works gor an insurance company get bonuses? The medical director deceives patients who must have been get surgery by doctors and so insurace company don't have to give patinets insurace money. At result, the company gives bonus the directer. 3.What is the problem with insurance companies whose main purpose is to maximize profit? The problem is that those companys don't consider patient's surrounding and they only pursue to their profits. So patients can't get their right to insurance money. 4.How do the Americans living in France feel about the French welfare and healthecare system? Amercians have aweful impression to French welfare and healthecare system. Because French gives a lot of free welfare benefit to insurance member and a lot of vacation to registors. 5.What is different about the health care system in Canada and US? In Canada nation people gives a lot of free benefit by goverment but in US nation people take a lot of money to insurance but they don't get anything free benefit. MY opinion: I think that private insurance companys have lot of corruption. And there must need to new innovation to private insurance companys regulaion. I really disappointed by US private insurance companys

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