Friday, October 18, 2013

usb ad

I saw this ad in course of  internet searching.
 This usb made in Alzheimer's Association of New Zealand.
 "Your memories. Save them." 
This context is touched for me.
And Proceeds from the sale of products used in the treatment of patients with  Alzheimer.
Is not it really good ad?

car ad

I saw this advertisement in internet through the searching.
this is a car ad about mini cooper.
I saw this pictuer first, I didn't recognize this illusion
and I think this is a just direct advertisement about mini cooper isn't small
but after a few seconds, I realized that it is an illusion and this picture was just timing!
So I think this ad was very clever.
and I don't know exactly but I think this ad effect is similar to 'the power of suggestion'

ad amanda

This ad advertise delivery service company named DHL. In the book, both of man and woman are stretch their hands. First picture, a deliveryman receive goods from the man. Second picture, the delivery man give goods to the woman. This ad means that DHL delivery as fast as time that turn the pages of a book. When i saw this ad in the internet, i thought this ad is funny and impressive. So i choose this ad.

Battery ad

I found a picture on the internet.
This is battery advertisement. This advertisement installed at entrance of escalator.
The cover is little bit opened.
There are batteries inside cover.
The advertisement say to us, our batteries is so powerful that
batteries can activate escalator.
Consumers can watch this advertisement when they're use escalator.
So I think th producer of this advertisement made a good decision

ad jace

I saw this ad in tv.
 in this ad, a girl takes photo  with this camera, the girl seems like ' suzy ' in the photograph. ordinary girl turns to very beautiful girl.
it means this camera is the best at taking a person photo.
this ad explain very interestingly the strong point of the camera by using idol star 'suzy'

dye ad

After the first time I saw this ad, immediately  I could understand. This is dye ad. 
 Billboard  placed beside the road next to the river with the flow.
 So over time, in a variety of colors with different hair color lighten is appear.
Natural color of the dye could be expressed more effectively than advertising? I think anything natural color of the dye ad can not be better expressed than this ad. 
I was very surprised about the creativity of the artist.


 Guess! Is it for something?
I don`t know you are right. This is for a decolorant(표백제).
They clean up the ketchup and nutella perfectly!
When people see this ad, people feel funny and think their effect is good.
As i choose this ad, this ad made me some curiosity.
Curiosity is important part of ad.
Because ad hasn`t any funny factor, everyone disregard that ad.

lg hdtv ad

It's a LG HDTV ad. The form is suprise camera. engineers installed the tv, which has so realistic definition.
and this room is made for interview. So interviewees think the tv is window.
During the interview, The meteor drops to city! peoples are so embarrassed. suddenly huge vibration comes to them and the light turn off.
A few minutes later, staffs open the door and say surprise!
I think this advertisement show powerful suggestion. They show off product's quality by briliant situation.
and customers can't forget this message easily.

Old Spice body wash

I saw body wash ad.
It was Old Spice body wash ad.
This ad has special things, that ad's cast are appeared other ads.
This ad emphasis of that product, such as what I mentioned it.
And cast said Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Power is very funny.

Hair care AD

  I find very impressive AD on internet. This is hari care AD. There is a skull and plentiful hair.
  It is unbalance, but this is ' The power of suggestion'. This AD means if we use their product, we can maintain our hair in good condition like in this picture until we death.
  It can be surprised for customers, but it is so incentive AD that we can recognize and memorize. And it has powerful sight effect that people is most sensitive.



When i searching for ads, I saw an impressive ad.
This advertisement is coffee company.
They attached a sticker on the manhole cover.
And smokes are get out by manhole cover.
So the smokes look like get out in the coffee cup.
It's very simple but very impressive to people.
And I found method it uses, in the our textbook.
I think It's uses 'A Constant Stream of Messages'.
Because this ad located on the road that many people walked and passed.
So They saw this ad unintentionally.

fabric deodorizer ad

This is ad of Febreze. Febreze is fabric deodorizer, so It can make fabrics more clean and fragrantly. Ad emphasizes on this function. Everyone who see this ad become curious.So they think about this product one more time. And they think that this product make covers of chair so clean that we can lean comfortably although covers are very dirty, so Febreze is highly efficient. 
I think that its advertising method is "The power of suggestion". Because this is kind of metaphor. They didn't write effects of the product but we can guess that.

                                                               - kate -

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Insurance ad

I saw insurance ad on the Internet. This ad is AIA life insurance. This advertisement is differentiated with other advertisements. The content of this ad is a careless family go to jungle, and overcome obstacles. I think this ad uses 'The Power of Suggestion'. It uses a metaphor like jungle, shabby safari car, and many wild animals. This ad means we insure many insurances, but if guarantee is poor, the family's future will be dangerous.

aspirin ads.

i saw aspirin ad on the internet. the advertisement ad show the man who bumped his head into a    bilboard. it means that headache pain is equal to his pain. and that ads say "the answer for this situation is  aspirin.". this ad use metaphor. thereby they can  send their think to us easily. and they can let people think about aspirin effectively.

Nikon camera Ads

method 3 is power of suggestion, so this ads is method 3.
because they emphasized their "Auto focusing system", how is it better than the other product? following this ads they can focusing even ghost face.
really i don't need ghost face in my picture but if you want to taking a ghost picture?
i recommend this camera :D

ps. Nikon had a lot of funny ads like this

Ads that i saw

1. When i go to the convenience store, I saw the energy drinks. They have a powerful image's picture that like a bull, fire or etc. I think this ads use "the power of suggestion'. Because The picture suggest to me that If you drink this, You must be powerful state.

2. After I saw some ads that name of Man's in internet site, I thought 'i must buy them!'. I think this ads similar to 'Creating a need'. Because The ads told to me like 'If your man, you must have this'.

3. Apples's tv ads is similar to 'Creating a need'. The ads always said, 'You have not i-phone is that you don't work(play) something. That make us buy I-phone.

4. The subway's ads is 'A Constant stream of Messages" Because When i bored in subway, i always saw the ads.

5. I always saw that internet bookstore's 'Today special sale'. They offer 30~75% off, so They are very touched me. The ads is 'An offer you Can't Refuse

restaurant ad

When I played with my friend, my friend said that he know good restaurant, and he show me the ad. The ad uses 'An offer you can't Refuse'. In ad, there are pictures that many kind of meat like pork. that ad said 'if you pay only 10000won, you can  eat all unlimited meat.' That ad was very atrract to me and my friend, so we went that restaurant.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

cosmetic ad

I saw cosmetics advertisement in internet. There are various cosmetics. This advertisement uses 'An Offer You Can`t Refuse'. In a bundle, there are many goods with very low-priced. When I saw this advertisement, I wanted to buy it. But I didn't. The advertisement is not pretty but low-priced is enough to attract women.

Monday, October 7, 2013

my favorite childhood memory

my favorite childhood memory is when i was a 5-6 years old
my parent were both working, so i spent lot of time alone or with grandmother.
so I usually play with a doll which name is " kongsuni "
I slep with doll, eventhough when i went to the market, i bring  kongsuni.
kongsuni is one of my friends and I treat the  kongsuni  like my sister
so memory with kongsuni is my favorite childhood memory

my favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when i enrolled taekwondo first. i was about 9. and i really want to learn taekwondo. i think taekwondo is very awesome so i was excited about i learn taekwondo. the fact that i learn taekwondo. i wanted to be takwondo player. but it was very hard to be taekwondo so i gave up. although i stopped learning taekwondo, it was favorite memory that i learned taekwondo.

my favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood is when I was elementary school 1st grade.
One rainy day in 2000.
I forgot bring my umbrella.
I was so worried about that.
"How can I go to my house?" Only this worried in my head.
School was over. I get out of my class.
Suddenly my father is come out with two umbrella.
I can't forget that situation.
This memory is my favorite memory in my childhood.

my favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood is when i played soccer. I was about 13years old, and i really loved playing soceer. I joined elementary school school soccer tournament that year. I was wing back, left defender. One day, we had match with UNLO elemeantary school which is famous for soccer. but our team weren't nervous. onthe contrary, we played very aggressively. So we made a good game and we won. The score was 3-1. I can't forget that match. My soccer life started from that period. so until now, I still play in wingback and it wiil be continue.

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when I made a first snowman. I was 8 years old and it was very excited because I had never made a snowman before. My snowball was the biggest that no one's snowball was bigger than mine. So I could make big snowman that was taller than me. I also took a picture but sadly It is not exist because I have lost the film.  Sometimes when snow is coming, I miss that time.

My favorite childhood memories.

when i was a child, i had many trip for another palce. For example, i traveld to 경주 and 서울.
But have more age, i don't have enough time to travel. In 경주 , i saw 석굴암 불국사.  And whenever going trip, i have many family photo. So whenever i saw the picture , I miss a lot of time.
And i was play the pingpong lot of time. Because my father play pingpong a lot.
In the gym I have a lot of friends hung out at the gym.
So i think trip and playing pingpong is very valuable memory in my childhood.

my favorite childhood memory!

My childhood memory is when i was 16years old. I think that 16 age is enough young to say childhood. Then, I think 16 is childhood.
 When i was the 16 years old, i met some good friends. After the class, everyday I played with my friends. I was so excited! I wrote the letter to my friends. And my friends wrote me, too.
 Last of years, we went to 횡성. And enjoyed snow board and Korean cow. That was my first sleeping out with out parents. Now, my friends work in other area. I really missed them. Because they were my best friends. And very sorry for them.

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when I went to my grandparent's house. Before I

graduated elementary school, I went to there with my sister every vacation. At that time,

My aunt, uncle, and cousins lived in grandparent's house. So I could play with cousins.

We played in the playground everyday. We used to eat watermelons in the backyard on

summer. We used to do role playing in the house on winter. In the evening, we gathered

in the room and slept together. We can't do those things because we grow up.

                                                                                                       - Kate -

My favorite memory

My favorite childhood memory is when I won Taekwondo competition in Kukkiwon. It was nie years old. It was my first time that fight with other people (not my friend). I was so nervous before this match. But it was fun, so I could win.
Now I think it is very easy test, but when I was child, it was so difficult.
I had been learning Taekwondo for 7 years and it was my exciting peroid.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

My favorite childhood memory

My childhood memory is when I was about 6, 7 years old. I used to think about playing with friends. Kindergarten was the end, we were going to play, to go on the ground, we played basketball, played a football. After it was plyaed, football, basketball, running and runned to the supermarket and drank some beverages. We ate hot dogs for 500 won sometimes. I was happy to me, after just played, ate some food. Playing with friends was all about my life.

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when i received a X'mas present. When i was 7 years old, i recevied a video game console as X'mas present. That was so cool that I was very excited. Immediately after opening present, I played some game such as Super mario, Galaga, Twin bee, and Mapy. And I used to bought some game pack once a month, so i always waited the day.  That was broken when i was 13 years old. But I still remember that Because That is my best presents I Iever received  and there was so many precious memory

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when I went to Japan. When I was 14 years old, my family visited my cousin's house in Japan about 15 days. We went to Disney Land. It was amazing. And it was very interesting better than Korea's amusement park. I have the ticket until now. And we boarded an excursion ship. We ate many delicious foods, too.
There was a puppy in my cousin's house. But I scared puppy. So I was surprised when I went to home first. But for about 2 weeks, we were very closed. When we went to Korea, I was so sad because I never meet that puppy.

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when i was a girlscout's member.
I entered the group, when i was 11years old.
I did many interesting things. We built tent on our self when went camping, and made dishes.
It's grow my independence.
And we practiced Korean traditional dance `부채춤' , took part in a contest as a school representative. So we got a prize.
And also we went leadership camp too. We learned many useful knowledges.
So i felt a sense of belonging.

My favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is, when I played with my friends after the end of elementary school. When the school is end. we just run, run, run, run, and chased each other all day long. At that time, we were so young that nobody went to for study after the school. So we had a lot of time for play.
And another favorite memory is my father. He drunk a little and came back home, when his feeling good, he gave me some pocket money or bought some food for me. These are my favorite childhood memory.

My Favorite Childhood Memory

My favorite childhood memory is when i got a prize in piano contest. I was nine years old, and i participated in piano contest. I learned piano at piano academy and i practiced very hard everyday. In contest day, I was so nervous but i played the piano very well. The music that i played is Mozart music. Fortunately, I got a second prize in the contest. I was so happy and that prize is the best prize in my life.

my favorite childhood memory

My favorite childhood memory is when end of school im going to small store with my friends we bought some junk food or some toy like a 'Yu-Ki-Ho' and than we looking for empty place usually it was class room. anyway we sit down around table and took out what we bought if its food we shared or its a toy just play for use to it. some times we played P.M. 7 now that is not thing but when we young its over the play time :)
Sometimes i hope go back that time no reason just hope so
Thx to read

my childhood memory

   my childhood memory is related to my younger brother. when I was 10, my family was scheduled to go mountain. but my brother and I didn't want to go mountain. so, my parents went mountain except me and my brother.
   but that was big mistake. we are too young to cook something, so we were very hungry. we had little money that was able to buy only one cup noodle.
   I eat one cup noodle with my brother on outside house in winter. that cup noodle was best taste of food.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

my favorite memory

My favorite childhood memory is when i got a prize at English speaking contest, when i was 13, 6th grade in elementary school.
 I announced about korean cheer, Red Devils. Red devils is a support group of korean soccer team.
 In oreder to prepare this contest, I visited my english teacher everyday, and i practiced my speech. So i could get a prize.
 The next day after the contest, I announced my speech at morning school broadcast. I was very nervous, but it was very fantastic experience.

My favorite memory

My  favorite childhood memory is when I got a big barbie. I was about seven years old.
It was same size of me. So I could wear barbie`s drees and shoes. But barbie was scare at night.
Because it is tall, it looks like strange person. So I couldn`t go bathroom alone at night.
At about noon, barbie was my best friend. In my memory, barbie is my forever friend.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

My first kpu festival

It was my first college festival. Because I didn't go college, I attended the last day. When I Drank with classmates, On the stage, Zion T voices heard. we were headed toward the stage. People in front of me are so tall, I didn't see primary and Zion T. My one friend taked two chair, I and friends climbed on a chair. Only listen to music, but hear directly, I was so excited and ear was very purified. After the show, the club time was started. I danced excitingly with my friend, then drank in nano pub. Drinking and I went go sleep. then at 6, I went home lonely.